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    GRATEFUL: Wyuna nurse unit manager Kerri Chamberlain, right, and Cellarbrations Horsham manager Mukesh Bhutani try out new chairs and a 65-inch television purchased with money donated to Grampians Health Horsham by Cellarbrations.

‘Cellarbrating’ a donation

Staff at Grampians Health’s Horsham campus are over the moon after a local business donated $10,000 towards new specialised chairs.

The donation from Cellarbrations Horsham provided new washable patient chairs and adjustable bariatric chairs for the campus’ Wyuna sub-acute and Oxley acute wards.

The donation also provided a 65-inch television for the dining area in Wyuna.

Wyuna nurse unit manager Kerri Chamberlain thanked Cellarbrations for its support and said patients were pleased with the TV in particular.

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“We previously only had a small TV up there and many had trouble seeing it,” she said.

“Many patients have already told me they can’t wait until the footy starts so they can come to the dining room and watch it on the big TV.”

Cellarbrations manager Mukesh Bhutani said his business was pleased to support community organisations such as the hospital and Horsham Fire Brigade.

“While we appreciate the recognition, it is not necessary,” he said.

“This is something we feel strongly about and we will continue to contribute to Grampians Health every year.”

The entire April 3, 2024 edition of The Weekly Advertiser is available online. READ IT HERE!