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LETTER: Be vigilant

SIR, – Who doesn’t love a magician? Think of David Copperfield, unimaginable sights before our eyes! And the grifters, while we focus on the little ball, they manage to ‘disappear’ our watch, wallet and dignity.

Horsham Rural City Council it now seems is equally capable of ‘sleight of hand’ taking our democratic process, transparency and for me, any faith in the councillors. 

The new Local Government Act 2020 has meant revised policies are required. At the last HRCC meeting, one of the most important documents was passed – Governance Rules. This document was open for public comment. What, you didn’t even know that?

Unlike the budget or river activation project there was no website banner or Facebook posts. Not even its own item in ‘have your say’, just the whole Act, looking just like housekeeping to bring the policies ‘in line’. So, while our focus was directed towards one change, the other hand was tinkering with policy that controls the democratic process.

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Is it really that bad? Well, the State Government released a draft form of the policy, but our council wanted a greatly different policy. A key changes summary was provided by the council, but with no reference to the draft and many changes were not required by the Act. These, the most damaging – time limits to hinder a considered decision; controls on public questions; limitations on debate; requirements that councillors effectively ‘collude’ outside meetings.

What needs to be done? With terrible public opinion, increasing expenditure and no transparency, we need to stop being complacent about council and be vigilant of who we vote in.

We guide the councillors; they govern and direct the chief executive – not the other way around. Otherwise before we know it the rubber ball is the illusion and all the cups will be empty.

Terry O’Donnell


The entire September 9, 2020 edition of The Weekly Advertiser is available online. READ IT HERE!