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LETTER: Engage and consult

SIR, – As a number of our new councillors, in their pre-election messaging pledged ‘community engagement and consultation’, it is indeed unfortunate that now, it seems they are unwilling to re-visit the decision of the location of the proposed café at the end of Firebrace Street on the Wimmera River. 

The decision of the café location was made at the very end of the previous council’s tenure and could only be considered a divisive act. 

It was again a failure of the previous council to listen to the views and opinions of the community.

Questions have been raised including the totally unjustified shifting of the drought proofing tanks, at considerable ratepayers’ expense. 

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How many walkers along the track knew the tanks were even there until mentioned recently? 

Only a small proportion of the tanks are visible above ground level and the suggestion that they are ‘an eyesore’ is ludicrous.

With the entry to the caravan park only a short distance from the proposed café site and the number of people who visit this area for various reasons, additional infrastructure and increased parking from café patrons would make this area even busier.

The café site decision was made at the very last meeting of the previous council.  As six of the seven members were retiring, it was grossly inappropriate to give this costly venture the go-ahead. 

We sincerely hope that our new councillors will honour their commitment to engage and consult with the community on this matter.

Rhonda and Mike Coffey


The entire January 20, 2021 edition of The Weekly Advertiser is available online. READ IT HERE!