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    INVITATION: East Grampians Health Service oncology unit nurses Annette Manning, Leesa McInnes and Shae Hannett, will celebrate the 20th birthday of the oncology unit in February, along with patients, volunteers, donors and staff.

20 years of oncology at East Grampians health

East Grampians Health Service invites people who have been involved with its oncology unit to celebrate its 20 years with an afternoon tea next month. 

In 2004, Professor George Kannourakis from Ballarat Oncology and Haematology was approached to provide an oncology treatment and outpatient service to the Ararat community and surrounding district.

In January 2005, with funding and generous donations from the community, a fully equipped eight chair day oncology unit was established.

Dr Craig Carden joined the department in 2011, initially working with Dr Kannourakis, and then as of 2013 as the unit’s oncologist, and haematologist Dr Pohan Lukito joined the team in 2019.

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Over the years, many community groups and individuals have assisted in facilitating programs and activities which have brightened the oncology area, including an art project called Sharing the Journey and quilting project Common Threads, with these artworks still adorning the space.

The unit is supported by Grampians Integrated Cancer Services, Breast Care nurse Sarah Carter and Ararat and District Breast Cancer Support group.

People are encouraged to register their attendance at the event, at 3pm on Tuesday, February 11, by emailing by February 5 for catering purposes.

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