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    JOURNEY: Nuseed Argentina supply chain manager Matias Calamari is working at Nuseed Horsham for two months to learn more about Australian processes. Picture: PAUL CARRACHER

AgLife: Matias expanding relationships, ideas

Agriculture innovation company Nuseed is sharing its knowledge and processes internationally.

Nuseed Argentina supply chain manager Matias Calamari is visiting the Nuseed Horsham site.

The Nuseed supply chain encompasses managing production of seed crops to ensure seed quality and genetic purity, seed testing, processing, packaging and logistics.

Mr Calamari said the objective of his visit was to exchange experiences with Australian colleagues, to learn about business and processes to improve processes in Argentina.

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“I’ll be working with the different supply chain teams in order to learn about their processes and procedures,” he said.

“Because Nuseed is a global company, I also need to improve my English skills, so staying here for two months will be an excellent way to do that.”

Mr Calamari said the main difference in agriculture between Australia and Argentina was crop types.

“In Argentina, it is predominately summer crops such as soybean, corn and sunflower, while in Australia it is predominately winter crops – wheat, barley and canola that are the most important,” he said.

“This difference is based on the rainfall in each country.”

Mr Calamari said Australia had a great culture of enjoying nature. 

“There are parks everywhere with excellent installations – I love that,” he said.

“Horsham is a nice city, quiet, but with a lot of things to do and surrounded by lakes, rivers and mountains.

“I am grateful to the Australian people, especially the Nuseed team, for receiving me so kindly and allowing me to learn about them.”

The entire November 29, 2023 edition of The Weekly Advertiser is available online. READ IT HERE!

The entire November 29, 2023 edition of AgLife is available online. READ IT HERE!