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    Horsham District league, which met Monday night, has already confirmed games will go ahead, while Wimmera league officials were set to shore up a decision in a meeting with club presidents tonight.

All go, need for final checks for community sport

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Leaders in mainstream community sport across the region were tonight again assessing circumstances as Victoria emerged from the latest COVID-19 lockdown.

Community sport is allowed to resume this weekend but only with players and people required to run games. Spectators are banned.

The rules heavily influence regional football, netball and hockey, which usually require several people and fans to function appropriately.

Wimmera and Horsham District football and netball leagues, if they follow directives established earlier in the season, will go ahead this weekend.

Horsham District league, which met Monday night, has already confirmed games will go ahead, while Wimmera league officials were set to shore up a decision in a meeting with club presidents tonight.

Wimmera Hockey Association and Mininera and District Football League leaders were also among sporting administrators assessing circumstances late today.

AFL Wimmera Mallee region manager Jason Muldoon said restrictive activities directive details from the State Government were likely to be available tomorrow.
“That will provide us with the finer details of what can and can’t happen and hopefully we can dissect what it means for football and netball,” he said.

Wimmera and Horsham District officials, trying to navigate through a COVID-affected season, are trying to reach a milestone, where every team has played each other at least once.

Horsham District league will reach the milestone this weekend and Wimmera the following weekend. If they can get through a first full round of games, it will legitimise their seasons and finals can proceed with relative normality.

Horsham District league chairman Fred Mellington, confirming the go-ahead for his competitions, said the league had to grasp every opportunity to play.

“The past fortnight has shown we can’t take anything for granted. The players I’ve spoken to are desperate to get back into it,” he said.

“The bottom line is we have to play while we can.”

Wimmera league chair Pauline Butler said last night’s gathering was to assess the situation.

“We wanted to consult with club presidents before we put the message out,” she said.