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    CHRISTMAS SPIRIT: Makers Market president Liz Minne prepares for the annual Christmas market in Horsham. Picture: PAUL CARRACHER

Annual makers showcase sale in library carpark

Horsham Library carpark will be a hub of activity on Saturday morning with the annual Maker’s Market featuring 67 stalls this year.

The market will run from 9am to 1pm, with the Maker’s Gallery and Library also open.

President Liz Minne said new stallholders were attending the event this year, which was good to see.

“There will be lots on offer, similar to what we sell in the shop, from jewellery, candles and cards to jams, oils and knitted goods,” she said.

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“There will also be food stalls. There are too many things to name and it’s always packed.”

Ms Minne said the market was the perfect chance to do some Christmas shopping and grab any Kris Kringle presents.

“We decorate outside, and the shop will be open the whole time, too,” she said.

“The money made goes back into the gallery and the studio.

“Everything is locally made which is what makes it so special.”

The monthly Haven Market will be a twilight Christmas market on Saturday from 4pm.

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