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    Ararat College students, from left, Ash Cooper, Eboni Charter, Rhyder Simpson, Summer Clarke and Hannah Hedger in the school's Koorie garden.

Ararat College Koorie Garden grows

Ararat College students, from left, Ash Cooper, Eboni Charter, Rhyder Simpson, Summer Clarke and Hannah Hedger in the school's Koorie garden.

CONNECTION: Ararat College students, from left, Ash Cooper, Eboni Charter, Rhyder Simpson, Summer Clarke and Hannah Hedger in the school’s ‘Koorie garden’.

The garden rock-art project is helping First Nations students in Ararat feel a connection to their culture.

The students, who helped build and decorate the Koorie garden with indigenous art on rocks during NAIDOC Week last year, are starting to see their project flourish.

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The students have since planted an array of plants native to the Grampians in the garden.

College First Nations co-ordinator Tahni Skewes said the project provided students with a sense of connection to their cultural heritage.

“The students have all helped and are really proud of the garden,” she said. Picture: PAUL CARRACHER


Culture focus for Ararat art project

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