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Border closed to South Australia

The State Government will introduce temporary border controls between Victoria and South Australia from tonight.

In response to the coronavirus outbreak in South Australia, premier Daniel Andrews announced Victoria Police would establish check points on roads between South Australia and Victoria – a similar approach to what we saw around the perimeter of metropolitan Melbourne while travel restrictions were in place.

Regional Development Victoria will meet with local councils today to determine any resourcing needs for border communities in Victoria while the border controls are in place.

“Victorians have worked too hard and given too much to allow anything to put at risk our goal of reaching COVID Normal by Christmas. We’ll do whatever it takes to keep Victorians safe,” Mr Andrews said.

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“We know border communities have had an incredibly difficult year – and we don’t take these decisions lightly. Our public health team will work closely with South Australia to monitor the outbreak and get the border back open as soon as it’s safe to do so.”

The Government will work with councils on what measures are necessary to ensure their communities continue to have access to food, fuel, pharmaceuticals and medical services.

From 11.59pm tonight, a 'hard border' will be in place for 48 hours before a permit system comes into effect from 11.59pm Sunday.

Coronavirus testing sites have been set up at Nhill for freight drivers from South Australia and there will be sites along major freight routes for the next 48 hours.

Under the hard border, only freight drivers and those with medicl or emergency reasons, urgent animal welfare or as authorised by law will be able to pass through the border.

The final details of the permit scheme will be provided as soon as possible but the reasons to enter Victoria from South Australia from Saturday night will include:

  • if you are an emergency services worker or a worker providing essential services
  • for agricultural work
  • to receive medical care (including seeking coronavirus testing), obtain medical supplies or compassionate reasons
  • to shop to obtain essential supplies 

Victoria Police will establish check points on roads between South Australia and Victoria – a similar approach to what we saw around the perimeter of metropolitan Melbourne while travel restrictions were in place.

Regional Development Victoria will meet with local councils today to determine any resourcing needs for border communities in Victoria while the border controls are in place. The Government will work with councils on what measures are necessary to ensure their communities continue to have access to food, fuel, pharmaceuticals and medical services.