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    Sports media personality and former Port Adelaide footballer, Kane Cornes, and his television entourage spent an evening at Nhill and District Sporting Club.

Charitable success with Kane Cornes visit to Nhill

People in Nhill might be getting used to having Australian Football League celebrities visit their community in 2022, as another former player makes waves at Davis Park. 

Sports media personality and former Port Adelaide footballer, Kane Cornes, and his television entourage spent an evening at Nhill and District Sporting Club hosting a charity dinner and auction, as Cornes completes his 725-kilometre charity run from Adelaide to Melbourne. 

Sunday Footy Show host Tony Jones hosted the function.

Secretary Josh Shrive said the club had enjoyed a successful year with celebrity events. Former Collingwood footballer Dale Thomas also joined the senior football team for a Wimmera league game during the season. 

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“Our evening with Kane and Tony was another chance to also show off our community’s embrace of Nhill and its sporting club. There was more than 100 people on Thursday evening with lots of items donated for our auction and Kane even signed and donated his My Room Children’s Cancer Charity running shoes,” he said. 

Mr Shrive said the club contacted Cornes when it heard he would pass through their town on his way to Melbourne, and proceeded to co-organise the event with television crews.

“Tony Jones did the weather from our clubrooms, while segments of Kane’s time at Davis Park were shown on Nine’s footy shows,” he said. 

The entire September 21, 2022 edition of The Weekly Advertiser is available online. READ IT HERE!