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    Cr Debra Nelson

Councillor protocols clear in Hindmarsh

Hindmarsh Shire Council has updated its rules for engagement between councillors and staff. 

An updated policy, adopted at the council’s latest meeting last week, seeks to provide clarify and protocols around interactions, in accordance with the Local Government Act, to ensure a co-operative and supportive relationship that ensures effective governance and decision-making. 

It ensures councillors are provided consistent, co-ordinated, accurate, timely and well-informed advice to help them fulfill their roles; incorporates good governance principles; and supports councillors to conduct themselves with integrity by articulating their different but complementary roles. 

It recognises council staff are responsible for the operations and administrative functions of the council, and that councillors are not to direct, unduly influence or pressure staff in any private or public forum or create a perception or promise of preferential or favourable treatment to residents. 

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The updated policy expands the matrix to include two further senior roles within council that interact regularly with councillors; and provisions relating to mail council staff have received that is directed at, or addressed to councillors but is operational in nature.  

Acting chief executive Monica Revell said the policy was updated in line with recommended, best practice. 

Cr Debra Nelson said it was important and positive to update the policy, particularly with the next local government elections scheduled for next year. 

“It’s good to have these clear documents for everyone to refer to, if they’re unsure,” she said.

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