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    SEA OF PINK: Edenhope-Apsley Football Netball Club’s A- and B-Grade netballers and senior footballers show their support for Breast Cancer Network Australia.

Edenhope netball and football players don pink to show support

Edenhope-Apsley Football Netball Club players wore pink earlier this month to raise money for Breast Cancer Network Australia. 

Netball director Paris Hardwick said the club had hosted PLAY4BCNA Pink Sports Day fundraisers in the past, starting with a ladies’ hour in 2022, and actively extending events to the rest of the club in 2023.

“Last year the whole club wore pink socks, with Bendigo Bank sponsoring pink dresses for A Grade and pink bibs for all netballers, as well as an auction, raffle, live music and guests speaking about their experiences,” she said.

Following a similar format this year, Bendigo Bank continued its sponsorship to include pink football jumpers for senior players and dresses for both A- and B-Grade netballers. 

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“This year we exceeded all expectations and raised $10,657 – all that money will go directly to Breast Cancer Network Australia,” Miss Hardwick said.

PLAY4BCNA Pink Sports Day raises money and awareness of breast cancer in both men and women. 

Australian statistics show despite the incidence of breast cancer diagnoses increasing – 57 people every day – the mortality rate is decreasing. It is the most common cancer affecting Australian women. 

Miss Hardwick said the club would hold onto the jumpers and dresses for next year’s event.

“We hope to get more sponsors so the whole club can wear pink next year,” she said.

People can visit to donate or find out more.

– Bronwyn Hastings

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