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Eye on business


Business is a fickle mistress. It has its ups... and its downs. And just like any relationship, it needs constant work to survive.

When we look at the current economic climate and the overall state of affairs, for each and every one of us, now appears to be a time when the ‘fight or flight’ analogy is at play in its most explicit form.

Will you take flight? Business has been handed the mythical mirror of truth. ‘Should I keep going?’ For many, unfortunately the answer is no. 

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However, for others, it is time to fight. 

With new innovations, products, services and-or diversification into areas previously not considered, we are now seeing a positive face to an unprecedented ‘change’ event.

So back to relationships. 

The most important one in business is of course, the customer. So why not let them help press the ‘reset’ button on your business? A few home truths can sometimes be hard to hear, but on the flip side, some life altering revelations can be found in the perceptions of others.

Arthur Blank once said, ‘If someone is out in the desert walking around, they’re going to be thirsty. You just have to ask them what they want to drink’. 

Have you taken this time, this opportunity, to canvas your customers?

Remember to always include your internal customers – your staff. You will be pleasantly surprised by the positive momentum this can create. 

Making your customer part of the process hands them a sense of ownership. They will want to play a part in the next stage of your business, and to feel part of your success.

In saying this, with change comes fear, this is natural, but change also creates excitement. Excitement builds momentum, and momentum is a driver.

Now more than ever, those businesses faced with an uncertain future need to look to change as a safety net, rather than a tight rope. This is your chance to make something amazing, something new, all out of adversity. You will emerge stronger for it, and so will your business.

– Stacey Taig is Business Horsham ambassador

The entire November 4, 2020 edition of The Weekly Advertiser is available online. READ IT HERE!