“I wasn’t good enough for those, I guess, but this one just felt different.
“I want to give it a go, especially being one of Australia’s biggest competitions going around. So I thought, throw your arm in, see how you go, worst case scenario you lose, but best case, you win.”
Mr Fedke said each competition entrant would showcase their image and music taste in a half-hour set, which could be viewed by the public, giving a realistic ‘Saturday night’ club experience.
“My style is more Melbourne techno EDM – electronic dance music. It’s a little bit harder than the commercial kind of scene, but I like to throw in those singalongs to keep the crowd enticed,” he said.
“It’s more kind of mixed and remixed to my genre, so that way they know what the song is, but I give them a bit of a taste of what I like.”
‘Your Shot’ gives 100 people the chance to compete in two categories – contestants and wildcards.
Contestants are a group of about 60 people who have never performed as a DJ before, but are given six weeks’ training prior to the competition.
The wildcards, Mr Fedke’s category, includes 40 people who have anything from six months’ experience.
“The wildcard winner can play overseas. There are about 10 different places to choose from, but the main one I’m looking at is in Canada,” Mr Fedke said.
“The winner this year goes and plays in their chosen location next year, with a lot of big international artists.
“Your Shot puts on the competition to spotlight who you are. There are heaps of promoters from different clubs in Melbourne and everywhere, and if you win, there are all these clubs that now know who you are.
“But even if you don’t win, and the promoters like your style, you might get a gig or two and a chance to play anywhere.”
Mr Fedke, who by day works as a refrigeration technician at Laser Electrical, started on the music scene about 10 years ago.
Describing DJing and music production as his ‘dream job’, Mr Fedke recalls where it all began.
“I was at a Nexus event in 2015 – they had social nights on Thursdays for teens and young adults – and I remember seeing a young fellow up there DJing, and since I loved playing music, I thought I’d like to try that, so I got in touch with the manager of Nexus and they gave me a shot,” he said.
In keeping with events and wellbeing for youth, Mr Fedke, now 24, said he had a chance to speak with the man who had started the Your Shot competition 10 years ago.
“The competition was to provide a platform for young teens and adults who never had a stage or a platform to represent who they are, especially in the music scene,” Mr Fedke said.
“He made it so anyone can come in, show who they are, and be comfortable with it.
“Youth mental health was a big thing then, and still is, and I want to support mental health in youth and teens.
“Whatever earnings come from using my ‘Your Shot’ promo code, I will donate half to headspace to provide support for youth and young adults struggling with mental health.”
People wanting to support Mr Fedke can purchase a ticket online at www.intix.com/event/your-shot-vic-2024-showcase-2 and use the promo code FEDD3RS, or donate directly to
headspace at headspace.org.au/get-involved/donations.
The entire August 7, 2024 edition of The Weekly Advertiser is available online. READ IT HERE!