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    Libby Lyons.

Gender equality point of interest Women’s Health Grampians’ annual meeting

Workplace Gender Equality Agency director Libby Lyons will be guest speaker at Women’s Health Grampians’ annual meeting today. 

Ms Lyons, who was appointed agency director in October 2015, will discuss how COVID-19 has affected gender equality, specifically looking at the gender pay gap.

WGEA oversees the statutory reporting process that gathers gender equality data from more than 10,000 employers, covering more than four-million employees. 

Ms Lyons works closely with employers to achieve gender equality.

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She participates in regular roundtable and speaking events with business leaders and their peers to share experiences, challenges and successes in creating workplaces where skills and ambitions of employees are equally recognised and rewarded regardless of gender.

“I am absolutely delighted to be speaking at the Women’s Health Grampians AGM,” Ms Lyons said.

“Although female-dominated professions such as healthcare workers, teachers and childcare workers are at the forefront of our response to the COVID-19 pandemic, many women have also lost their jobs or had their working hours reduced. 

“I’m very concerned about the long-term impact this will have on women’s workforce participation and their economic and financial security.”

Ms Lyons said it was critical the pandemic did not lead to a decline in the ‘many gains’ achieved in recent years. 

“During the Global Financial Crisis, the gender pay gap shot up 2.0 percentage points from 15.6 percent to 17.6 percent,” she said.

“It took 10 years to claw our way back. We cannot afford to see a repeat of this. Women and men must have an equal opportunity to participate in the workforce as Australia recovers from its first economic recession in 30 years.”

The annual meeting will be online via Zoom due to the pandemic.

It will also feature presentations from Women’s Health Grampians Equality Advocates. 

The ogranisation’s Equality for All project recruited a group of diverse women, Equality Advocates, who consult with organisations about diversity and equality and share their lived experiences. 

The Equality Advocates will share their lived experience of the COVID-19 pandemic and their hopes for a gendered recovery.

The entire November 18, 2020 edition of The Weekly Advertiser is available online. READ IT HERE!