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Grand final rematch in Grampians cricket

By ‘One Short’

Grampians Cricket was halted by the weather at the weekend with only the Sunday, under-13 competition being played. 

Washouts and the free points can work in either a positive or negative way, depending on the draw. 

The main interest in round seven this weekend is the clash between unbeaten Pomonal and Swifts-Great Western 1, at Pomonal. 

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This is the first time the teams have met since last season’s A Grade final, comfortably won by the Tigers. 

Since then, the Tigers have continued with their good form, maintaining last season’s team while adding some talent from other clubs. 

On the other hand, the Combine has had several team changes, losing its top-two run-getters. 

All this would point to a Tigers victory, however it will not come easily as the Combine is gathering strength and named its strongest team for Saturday’s washout. 

At the other end of the scale, we have winless teams Swifts-Great Western 2 and Rhymney-Moyston 2 facing off at Great Western. 

Both teams have a chance to notch a win, although the Combine’s efforts have been more meritorious, scoring more than 200 runs in a loss to the powerful St Andrews team.

Maybe the Combine has a bit more all-round talent, but you can bet the match will be played with the same intensity as the match for top spot. Another match with significance is St Andrew’s playing Halls Gap 1 at Moyston.

This is a battle between fourth, St Andrew’s, and fifth on the ladder. 

Last games saw the Saints crush Rhymney-Moyston 1 by more than 200 runs, while Halls Gap 1, on the back of a Charlie McIntosh-inspired innings narrowly defeated Combine 2. 

McIntosh will have to repeat his effort in order to give the Gappers a chance. 

In the final game, Chalambar will look to advance up the ladder at the expense of Halls Gap 2, at Halls Gap. 

The Gappers have some talented players, but they will have to all fire-up to match Chally.  

Rhymney-Moyston has the bye, which should keep it in third place.

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