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    Bellah, Tohbie, Seth and Deklyn Rolins at the Horsham Show.

Horsham Show the stand-out event

Horsham Agricultural Society will have more than one reason to celebrate at the weekend, after the society also earned Horsham’s 2020 Event of the Year for its 141st Horsham Show.

Under a new festival-style atmosphere and with a vastly different layout and program to previous years, the 2019 Horsham Show demonstrated the humble agricultural show still holds significance in the Wimmera region.

Society secretary Andrea Cross said the event’s success came down to organisers making changes that both invigorated the show and honoured its traditions.

“It’s important we acknowledge the people before us who helped to establish the event and appreciate its traditions because they’re the constant of the event. But I think we’re also on the cusp of change,” she said.

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“And the show’s success was in the change, which included three major components: relocating the carnival rides, lowering the prices after 5pm to $5, and adding the agricultural playground. I guess this award really cements that. 

“We’re pretty excited, and would really like to thank the community for supporting it and also our great volunteers.”


Horsham’s citizen of the year Simon Risson

Horsham honours young citizens


The entire January 22, 2020 edition of The Weekly Advertiser is available online. READ IT HERE!