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    HIJINKS: Horsham’s Holy Trinity Lutheran College students will take to the stage in A Lighter Shade of Noir this week, including, from left, Ilze van Zyl as Miss Flannagan, Orlando Heal as Eustache, Edward Jones as Trent Trowel, and Hannah Polack as Clarice. Jones said the comedy play was a parody of old noir films and classic detectives, with ‘a bit of a spin on them’. Tickets are available from the college’s office for the Thursday and Friday shows. Picture: PAUL CARRACHER
  • Hero image
    HIJINKS: Horsham’s Holy Trinity Lutheran College students will take to the stage in A Lighter Shade of Noir this week, including, from left, Ilze van Zyl as Miss Flannagan, Orlando Heal as Eustache, Edward Jones as Trent Trowel, and Hannah Polack as Clarice. Jones said the comedy play was a parody of old noir films and classic detectives, with ‘a bit of a spin on them’. Tickets are available from the college’s office for the Thursday and Friday shows. Picture: PAUL CARRACHER

Journey into the noir at HTLC

Audiences are set for a night of comedy and hijinks when Horsham’s Holy Trinity Lutheran College students take play A Lighter Shade of Noir to the stage this week.

Director Michelle Hahn said it was the college’s first stage play.

“Normally we do musicals, and a lot of these kids are often the backstage crew as they’re not really into musicals where they have to sing and dance,” she said.

“This is an opportunity for them to be on stage and they’re really keen to be acting. A play is harder in some ways, they haven’t got the music and the dance numbers to cover and move the story on.

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“It’s all about the acting and remembering the lines and the blocking and the movement, so it’s been quite a journey.”

The play, at the college’s multi-purpose centre, starts at 7pm tomorrow and Friday. Tickets are available from the college office, adults $10 and children $5. 

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