IMPRESSED: Kaniva Commercial Hotel publican Bob Cane loves Kaniva's optimism since moving to the town.
Kaniva a shining light for optimism
21 July 2021
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Leadership program Centre for Optimism will team up with Kaniva to attract state-wide and national attention for the town, its innovative people, farming success stories and sense of community.
Chief optimism officer Victor Perton is working with Kaniva and District Progress Association to plan a ‘Kaniva Optimism’ event on August 4 at the Commercial Hotel.
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The optimism of Kaniva people during the global COVID-19 pandemic impressed Mr Perton when he stopped in the town on his way to Adelaide.
The leadership advocate stayed at the town’s Midway Motel and dined at the Commercial Hotel during his visit.
Mr Perton said he was surprised to discover both businesses had changed hands in a challenging time for the hospitality and accommodation sectors.
He also visited Kaniva Community Roadhouse and discovered it was community-owned.
Mr Perton, after attending two progress association meetings via Zoom, said he was planning to promote Kaniva’s optimistic attitude globally, appealing for videos and ‘selfies’ describing why Kaniva is Australia’s most optimistic town. A social connection grant from West Wimmera Shire Council has made the August event possible.
Commercial Hotel owner Bob Cane said the town had socio-economic potential due to its position between Adelaide and Melbourne.
The former skydiving instructor moved to Kaniva from Cairns in north Queensland about three months ago to purchase the hotel.
“Locals haven’t kicked me out yet. They’re very welcoming and it’s a strong community,” Mr Cane said.
“This place has strong potential, being a highway community.
“It’s one of the few towns that doesn’t get bypassed by the highway. That’s really what’s keeping this town alive as well as a strong community.”
Mr Cane said he was a strong advocate for the optimism project.
“I feel that optimism is a choice, you can be pessimistic and plan for the negative things in your life and prepare for that,” he said.
“I prefer to be optimistic, where you plan positively.
“I’m a big believer in what you think about is what you bring about.”
People wanting more information can visit website or call Helen Hobbs on 0429 888 250.