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    Jaala Marks-Lovett, NAIDOC Week celebrations at Dimboola.
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    Sisters Kianah Batty and AAliya Batty painting boomerangs .NAIDOC Week celebrations at Dimboola.
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    Layla Edmonds, Michelle Coleman, Kaiser Edmonds and Kathy Coleman. NAIDOC Week celebrations at Dimboola.
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    Nola Illin, NAIDOC Week celebrations at Dimboola.
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    Faren Branson plays a didgeridoo. NAIDOC Week celebrations at Dimboola.
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    Lachie Marks and Annita Marks introduce their nephew and great nephew Fateh Marks to a smoking ceremony. NAIDOC Week celebrations at Dimboola.
  • Hero image
    Lachie Marks and Annita Marks introduce their nephew and great nephew Fateh Marks to a smoking ceremony. NAIDOC Week celebrations at Dimboola.
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    Tyra King, Kalanee Marks-Lovett, Hunter King, Savannah Marks, Jaala Marks-Lovett, Elizabeth Muir, Jandamurra Lauricella, Narla Kennedy, Harley Dempsey. NAIDOC Week celebrations at Dimboola.

Loud and proud in NAIDOC Week

Tyra King, Kalanee Marks-Lovett, Hunter King, Savannah Marks, Jaala Marks-Lovett, Elizabeth Muir, Jandamurra Lauricella, Narla Kennedy, Harley Dempsey. NAIDOC  Week celebrations at Dimboola.




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LOUD AND PROUD: Goolum Goolum Aboriginal Cooperative and Barengi Gadjin Land Council hosted a NAIDOC Week celebration at Dimboola Recreation Reserve for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community and their families.

With a theme of ‘Keep the fire Burning! Blak, loud and proud’, it was a day of traditional activities, including a welcome to country, smoking ceremony, flag-raising, a cultural walk, boomerang painting, music and a barbecue lunch on Monday.

From left, Tyra King, Kalanee Marks-Lovett, Hunter King, Savannah Marks, Jaala Marks-Lovett, Elizabeth Muir, Jandamurra Lauricella, Narla Kennedy and Harley Dempsey join the celebration.

The first week of July every year, NAIDOC Week recognises the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and is an opportunity for all Australians to learn about First Nations cultures and histories, and participate in celebrations of the oldest, continuous living cultures on earth. Pictures: PAUL CARRACHER

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