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Nelson clinches pigeon win

Rob Nelson had his second win for the 2020 Horsham pigeon-racing season in a second race from Stanhope, east of Bendigo.

Weather conditions were similar to the previous race, with birds heading into a slight southwesterly breeze.

Despite the similar conditions, the leading pigeons were 36 minutes slower than the previous week and more spread out. 

Fourteen club members entered 441 pigeons for the 242-kilometre flight.  

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Results –

Stanhope: 1. Rob Nelson, whose leading pigeon arrived at its loft 10 seconds short of four hours and averaged 1017.97 metres a minute. 2. John Muszkieta, one minute, eight seconds later at 1013.12. 3. McPhee family, a further 32 seconds later, at 1010.89.  

Terry Brauer and Bruce Rentsch also had an entry in the leading mob a short while after.

This weekend’s race will be from Katamatite.

The entire September 16, 2020 edition of The Weekly Advertiser is available online. READ IT HERE!