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    Horsham headspace community awareness and youth engagement co-ordinator Alisha McLaughlin.

Push-ups for mental health

Headspace Horsham is encouraging Wimmera residents to push for better mental health by participating in Australia’s largest mental health and fitness event, The Push-Up Challenge, next month.

Participants will aim to complete 3249 push-ups across 24 days in June, putting a spotlight on the number of suicide deaths in Australia in 2022.

Thousands of Australians of all ages participate in the event, which engages people with mental health through connection, physical activity and education.

Headspace Horsham community awareness and youth engagement co-ordinator Alisha McLaughlin said the challenge was ‘a great opportunity for Australians to talk about their mental health’ while learning how to support each other.

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“We know The Push-Up Challenge is going to be a lot of fun and we’re looking forward to connecting with our local community throughout June,” she said.

“Headspace Horsham is proud to be trusted by young people and their families in the Wimmera, and the funds raised through The Push-Up Challenge will help us continue to support their mental health and wellbeing.”

From June 5 to 28, challenge participants will do push-ups while learning about mental health, with the number of daily push-ups changing to reflect different mental health facts.

If unsure about their ability to complete 3249 push-ups, participants can set their own goal, which can also be done as sit-ups, squats or tailored exercises, with progress tracked through a dedicated app.

Challenge founder Nick Hudson described it as ‘a great way to get fit, connect with your community and learn about mental health’ while honouring lives lost to suicide.

“It’s likely everyone will experience a mental health issue at some point in their lives, so by getting down, pushing up and learning about mental health, we hope to break down the stigma attached to mental illness so that Australians don’t think twice about reaching out for help,” he said.

Headspace Horsham is encouraging people of all ages, as well as local businesses, gyms, clubs and schools to join.

The Push-Up Challenge is a free event, and people can register as individuals or a team via People can select headspace Horsham as the recipient of their efforts.

Young people aged 12 to 25, as well as their family and friends in need of support, can call headspace Horsham on 5381 1543.

Help is also available via phone and online counselling service eheadspace seven days a week between 9am and 1am on 1800 650 890.

Immediate help is available by calling Lifeline on 13 11 14 and Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800. Both services are available 24 hours a day.

The entire May 22, 2024 edition of The Weekly Advertiser is available online. READ IT HERE!