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    WARM WELCOME: Speed Lions Club current members, including two original members from the first field days, look forward to welcoming exhibitors and visitors to Speed next week.
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Speed’s biggest field days yet

By Bronwyn Hastings

This year’s Mallee Machinery Field Days will present the largest number of exhibitors yet – with more than 350 from across Australia expected to showcase the latest technology and advances within the agricultural industry.

Organised by Speed Lions Club, Mallee Machinery Field Days secretary Matt Brady said the event continued to be a major fundraiser for the club.

“We’re happy we will be able to provide an economic boost to many community groups and organisations who have been hit hard in recent years,” he said.

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“Proceeds from past events have been donated to the Royal Children’s Hospital, Royal Flying Doctor Service, local hospitals, schools, sporting clubs, community groups and not-for-profit organisations.”

At the purpose-built field days site, located two kilometres south of Speed, in an area renowned for dryland cropping and prime Mallee lambs, the 44th annual event will feature broadacre farming equipment and machinery worth more than $100-million.

Football legend Terry Daniher is guest speaker and will open the event, and there will be demonstrations of the first Fendt autonomous tractor of its kind in the Mallee, a Proud Poppy pop-up store, and Turbo Gallery paint and sip sessions.

Exhibitors travel far and wide to be a part of the Mallee Machinery Field Days, showing a variety of crafts, machinery, agriculture and marketing, banding together to showcase their products in the paddock, and in the cloud. 

The annual field days have evolved and stood the test of time, which has been no mean feat for the small but dedicated group of volunteers who work year-round to bring the event to fruition.

The first event, in 1979, featured 39 exhibitors and raised $2800. 

The Speed Lions Club was named the Awards Australia Community Group of the Year 2021 at Victorian Community Achievement Awards.

It is the largest agricultural and agribusiness trade show run by farmers for farmers, and features the latest agricultural machinery to finance and brokering, clothing and safety gear – the exhibits cover all facets of farming. Organisers of the Mallee Machinery Field Days believe the longevity of the event can be attributed to the fact the club has never steered away from its main agricultural focus.

This year’s two-day event, on July 31 and August 1, is expected to attract more than 8500 patrons. 

Gates open at 8.30am and close at 5pm, with entry $15 an adult and children under 15 years can enter free of charge.

For more information, people can visit

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