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    Nhill Hospital, West Wimmera Health Service.

State recognition for health services

Wimmera, Mallee and Grampians health providers have been named among finalists of statewide awards. 

The State Government’s 2023 Victorian Public Healthcare Awards honoured the work of healthcare workers, public health services, community groups and volunteers across 20 award categories last week. 

The Grampians Regional Health Service Partnership was a finalist in the ‘health service partnership of the year’ award. 

The partnership comprises eight public health services – Grampians Health, Beaufort Skipton Health Service, Central Highlands Rural Health, East Grampians Health Service, East Wimmera Health Service, Maryborough District Health Service, Rural Northwest Health and West Wimmera Health Service. 

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It has achieved significant progress including overseeing an elective surgery reform program, facilitating a ‘Better at Home’ Initiative, establishing the Grampians Learning Hub, and outlining a strategic vision for the future. 

West Wimmera Health Service was a finalist in the ‘Premier’s small health service of the year’; while East Grampians Health Service was a finalist in the medium health service category. 

The entire November 22, 2023 edition of The Weekly Advertiser is available online. READ IT HERE!