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    Federal Member for Wannon Dan Tehan.

Support for Ararat headspace clinic

By Colin MacGillivray

Federal Member for Wannon Dan Tehan and Shadow Minister for Health and Aged Care Anne Ruston met with Ararat health leaders last week, backing a push to establish a headspace clinic in the rural city.

Headspace is a federally funded service offering mental health, physical and sexual health, work and study support, and alcohol and other drug services to people aged between 12 and 25 years. 

Mr Tehan and Ms Ruston attended a meeting with local leaders including Ararat Rural City councillor Jo Armstrong and Mayor Bob Sanders, East Grampians Health Service chief executive Nick Bush and director of community services Sarah Woodburn, and Ararat psychology clinic One Red Tree founders Carly McKinnis and Tammie Meehan to discuss the possibility of establishing a headspace in Ararat. Mr Bush said a headspace clinic would complement the work already undertaken in the region by One Red Tree.

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“The significant funding boost for services a headspace would bring is much needed and this would integrate and strengthen the wonderful service One Red Tree is offering,” he said.

Mr Tehan said he would lobby the government on behalf of Ararat in an attempt to establish a headspace clinic.

“Young people in Ararat face significant challenges such as pressures from social media, the cost of living and housing affordability,” he said.

“Headspace can support these young people through a variety of services, to be mentally and physically healthy at critical moments in their lives, giving them the best chance of having a meaningful future.

“I’ve been advocating with the Ararat community for a new headspace. 

“We have been lobbying the Albanese Labor government for a new service and will continue to do so.”
Cr Sanders said the council would also continue to advocate for a headspace.

“The establishment of headspace would be such a great development for the youth of our community, especially if the service operated in tandem with the One Red Tree group, which already has such an innovative setup to challenge issues of mental health within our young people,” he said.

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