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Tour de Cure donates $10,000

An event that saw hundreds of cyclists pass through Halls Gap and Ararat last year as part of a fundraising effort for cancer research has continued to benefit the region.

Representatives from Tour de Cure, which organised the Victoria Discovery Tour, aiming to raise $500,000 for the Olivia Newton-John Cancer Research Institute along with other cancer researchers and support services, returned to the region late last month to present $10,000 to East Grampians Health Service, EGHS.

Commonwealth Bank area manager Scott Thompson presented the money to EGHS deputy director of clinical services Rebecca Peters and community liaison officer Jodie Holwell at a dinner in Ararat that featured a panel of guest speakers, as well as many people who took part in the three-day bike ride.

Ms Peters said the $10,000 donation would be put towards the health service’s oncology unit – an area of growth, with an annual service increase of more than 17 per cent.

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“The donation to the oncology unit has enabled us to purchase a lovely new treatment chair and to partner with a local furniture and décor business to give the unit a refresh, which will enhance the aesthetics of the treatment space,” she said.

“These improvements will no doubt result in better patient experience for those impacted by cancer and using our service.”

Tour de Cure was founded in 2007 and has raised more than $130-million for cancer research and support.

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