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    Murray Wilson.

Unearthing a great career in mining

WIM Resource, a Horsham-based mineral sands exploration and mining company, which owns Avonbank Mine near Dooen, will have a new feature at this year’s Western Victorian Careers Expo – a unique mini spiral separator machine.

The machine demonstrates that by using water and gravity, heavy minerals can be efficiently separated from the mined sand.

WIM Resource community and stakeholder liaison officer Murray Wilson said WIM was proud to continue as major sponsor of the expo, a partnership now in its third year.

“Along with being able to showcase our unique model of a mineral sand separator spiral, we will also have an interactive stand showcasing the mineral sands industry, displays of everyday products derived from mineral sands, giveaways, project information and take-home materials,” he said.

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WIM Resource will also deliver a seminar discussing career opportunities to gain employment in the mining and resources industry, at noon in the WIM Resources features room, which is open to all students and expo patrons.

“We will discuss WIM’s flagship Avonbank mine and the possible future careers which could be on offer,” Mr Wilson said.

The seminar aims to encourage participants to set themselves on a path to jobs in the mining industry and gain a better appreciation and understanding of the type of jobs WIM Resource could be offering in the near future as part of its proposed 36-year Avonbank Mine that will offer more than 200 direct jobs each year.

The entire June 19, 2024 edition of The Weekly Advertiser is available online. READ IT HERE!