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    NEW PATHWAY: Horsham Riverside Walkers organiser Tony Howard, right, with members of Grampians Health Horsham Allied Health team promote a new walking group for all ages.

Walking group for heart health

Horsham resident and Heart Foundation volunteer Tony Howard has started a weekly walking group, after his own heart health experience inspired him to find a way to heal – both physically and mentally.

Mr Howard had open heart surgery, and now has a mechanical valve in his heart. 

He heard about a Heart Foundation walking program from his cardiac rehabilitation team, then formed walking group ‘Horsham Riverside Walkers’.

Heart Foundation senior advisor for physical activity Elizabeth Calleja encouraged people living in the Horsham area to join the group for a 30 to 40-minute walk. 

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“There are many health benefits of regular exercise, and participating in a walking group is also a great way to socialise and meet new people,” she said. 

“The Heart Foundation program is fun, free and easy – you can sign up online, or just turn up and a walk organiser will help you.

“Walking groups are a welcoming space for everyone, and often a chance to embrace the great outdoors.”

Participants receive free Heart Foundation newsletters and recognition for their walking, including certificates and vouchers after they have reached significant milestones.  

The Heart Foundation program also offers six-week walking plans for individuals to help increase physical activity – free personal walking plans can be found online at 

Horsham Riverside Walkers meet at 9am each Wednesday at Horsham Angling Club carpark, Dixon Drive, Horsham. 

The entire July 10, 2024 edition of The Weekly Advertiser is available online. READ IT HERE!