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    Kara Johnson, Macey Smith, 1, Reg Smith and George Smith, 3, at Horsham's 2019 Australia Day service.

Wimmera Australia Day services

Ambassadors ready to inspire on Australia Day



Ararat: 6am to 7.30pm, Ararat Pool, free entry; 9am, Alexandra Oval Community Centre, free barbecue breakfast cooked by Ararat Lions Club, with live music from Ararat City Band; 10am, awards presentations and citizenship ceremony; noon, Alexandra Gardens Party, free activities, barbecue from noon to 2pm, live music from The Double Agents from noon to 3pm, jumping castle, face-painting and Something Sweet Gelato. 

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Lake Bolac: 2pm to 7pm, pool party, face-painting and barbecue at Lake Bolac outdoor pool. Free entry.

Willaura: 2pm to 7pm, pool party, face-painting and barbecue at Willaura outdoor pool. Free entry.


Rainbow: 7.30am, Lion’s Den, breakfast barbecue; 8.15am, flag raising ceremony and awards presentations, hosted by Rainbow Lions Club.

Jeparit: 9am, Menzies Square, breakfast barbecue; 9.40am flag raising ceremony and awards presentations, hosted by Jeparit Town Committee.

Dimboola: 10.30am, Old Shire Hall Forecourt, Lloyd Street, morning tea; 11.10am, flag raising ceremony and awards presentations, hosted by Dimboola Country Women’s Association and Dimboola Town Committee.

Nhill: Noon, Goldsworthy Park, barbecue lunch; 12.45pm, flag raising ceremony and awards presentations, hosted by Nhill Lions Club.


Horsham: 7am, Sawyer Park, free barbecue breakfast; 8am, Australia Day address by ambassador Bernard Jenner, flag raising ceremony, National Anthem, presentation of an Australian children’s story, citizenship ceremony and other entertainment. 

Brimpaen: 8am, Brimpaen Hall, country breakfast; 9am, flag raising ceremony and guest speaker Gurjit Sondhu.

Natimuk: 8.30am, in front of the Natimuk Community Centre, country breakfast; 9.15am, Australia Day address by Horsham Rural City councillor Alethea Gulvin, flag raising ceremony, entertainment by Natimuk Brass Band and Voices of the Wimmera. 

Dadswells Bridge: 11am, Dadswells Bridge Hall, guest speakers Helen Curkpatrick and Wendy Donald, flag raising ceremony, refreshments provided. 

Northern Grampians

Stawell: 6pm, Cato Park, awards presentations with Australia Day ambassador Sally Tucker and citizenship ceremony, followed by free community barbecue, petting zoo, face-painting and jumping castle.

St Arnaud: 8am, Market Square, free community breakfast, hosted by St Arnaud Lions and Rotary clubs; 9am, awards presentations with ambassador Sally Tucker, followed by morning tea in St Arnaud Town Hall, hosted by St Arnaud Queen Mary Gardens Committee.

Great Western: From 11am, Seppelt Great Western Cup. 

West Wimmera

Dergholm: 10am, Dergholm Hall, flag raising ceremony, guest speaker and morning tea, hosted by Dergholm Hall Committee. Attendees requested to bring a plate.

Edenhope: 8am, Henley Park, barbecue breakfast, Sing Australia Choir; 9am, flag raising ceremony, guest speaker Australia Day ambassador Debra Bateman, hosted by Edenhope Lions Club Inc.  

Goroke: 8am, Goroke Memorial Hall, Australia Day breakfast; 9am, flag raising ceremony, guest speaker, followed by morning tea, hosted by Lions Club of Goroke.

Harrow: 11.30am, Johnny Mullagh Reserve on the riverbank, flag raising ceremony, guest speaker Australia Day ambassador Debra Bateman, barbecue lunch, hosted by Johnny Mullagh Park Committee.

Kaniva: 8am, Kaniva Swimming Pool, Australia Day breakfast, please bring own plates, cups and cutlery, flag raising ceremony.


Warracknabeal: 8am, Anzac Park Community Centre, gold-coin donation cooked breakfast, awards presentations and musical entertainment, with guest speaker Josh Gunn. 

Hopetoun: 8am, Memorial Hall, free breakfast celebrations and guest speaker.

Beulah: 8am, flag-pole stroll beginning at Beulah Post Office, followed by breakfast and guest speaker.

Minyip: 8am, Minyip Square on Main Street, breakfast celebrations, guest speaker and awards presentations.

Rupanyup: 8am, Rupanyup Memorial Park, breakfast celebrations and guest speaker.

Murtoa: 8am, Murtoa Neighbourhood House, breakfast celebrations.

Woomelang: 8am, Memorial Hall super rooms, breakfast celebrations and guest speaker.

Patchewollock: 8am, Patchewollock Community Centre, breakfast celebrations and guest speaker.

Wallup: 8am, Wallup Hall, breakfast celebrations and guest speaker. 

The entire January 22, 2020 edition of The Weekly Advertiser is available online. READ IT HERE!