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    West Vic Business ambassador Stacey Taig.

Yarriambiack expo a launchpad

By Bronwyn Hastings

West Vic Business Yarriambiack will launch at an inaugural business expo in Warracknabeal next week, following months of collaboration between stakeholders to support small businesses.

West Vic Business ambassador Stacey Taig said her team had worked with Yarriambiack Shire Council and an advisory committee of business owners during the past 18 months to put the first-ever expo together.

“The whole premise is to build great economic activity within Yarriambiack and give business owners the same opportunities as other centres,” she said.

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“We will be inviting businesses from across the shire to become members and be a part of future networking and business-related events.”

Ms Taig said the creation of an ‘official’ presence in Yarriambiack shire followed a conscious effort from the organisation to represent diverse business communities.

It also aims to bring key service providers into the shire to offer training and support, through networking events, community initiatives and strategic partnerships to enable its members to thrive and flourish.

“We’re hoping it’s the start of something bigger for us there, we’re really excited to help where we can,” Ms Taig said.

“That’s the core purpose of West Vic – helping every business be as successful and as prosperous as they can be.”

Ms Taig said there were programs to assist business owners in adapting to suit changing economic and social climates.

“We want to build supports around the network of Yarriambiack business owners to ensure longevity of that business and the service it offers to the wider community,” she said.

Industry, partner and local speakers will feature at the expo, including Donald Mineral Sands’ Paul Atherton, Spark Strategy’s George Liacos, Telstra’s Kamini Kumaran and Joe Dunning, and Dimboola Imaginarium’s Chan Uoy. 

Victorian Small Business Commissioner Lynda McAlary-Smith is keynote speaker – she is passionate about creating a fair and competitive trading environment for all Victorians in small business, and supporting the sector in working through recovery from the pandemic towards renewal. 

The expo presents opportunities to businesses to learn about their part in building the Yarriambiack shire business brand and how it fits into the Yarriambiack shire economic blueprint, with opportunities of guidance and support to combat challenges, collaboration to create an impact, and linking to grow with like-minded businesses.

“As well as being a chance for Yarriambiack businesses to come together and network, this is effectively the launchpad for what’s to come,” Ms Taig said.

The expo runs from 9am to 1pm at Warracknabeal Town Hall on Tuesday.

For more information or to register, people can visit